Thursday 15 November 2007

A time of growth.

2007. The year moved along pretty steadily. I was getting restless and I planned for an exit. I was going to leave cafe jobs for good. However... I got fired before I could leave. Long Story short, our inner world creates or reflects our outer world, not the other way around. So I guess it was pretty much my own doing. I am set on teaching and making money from it and I'm NOT going to give up or leave this business until I make a hell of a lotta money from it.

My current situation is not that financially fantastic but for the first time in years, I feel free and happy. I know where I'm headed towards and things look good. Jeremy finished his albatross album quite recently and I think its a beautiful album. I love it.

I haven't stopped learning too. Given all the money in the world, I'd prob learn and teach music for free and perform whenever I like.

Before I end this, I just wanna say that I love you Oaks. These are trying times and you've supported me through every one of them.

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