Saturday 25 June 2011

Self censorship

Many moons ago, I thought it would be a good idea to delete certain posts that i've written. I mean, Life is good now, surely the bitter past can now be viewed in a more objective light. I attributed it to being younger, being a bit naive.
But no. The young me was right. The younger me knew the truth and spat it out. Hello light, i've missed you. Some people don't change. I've had an inkling all along. I am still me. Only difference is, I don't care anymore.
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Thursday 23 June 2011

It's time to forget all I've learnt.

And Live.
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Wednesday 27 April 2011

Acceptance=A struggle free Life

I'm here sitting at the wagon wheel pub off bukit timah in greenwood. It's a nice evening with a lot of rain.

My work requires me to travel quite a bit. It's not as glamorous as you think. I'm a tutor and I move from house to house. I don't drive, I commute by public transport and most times I walk cuz some of these people live in big houses which are quite a distance from the bus stop. Most days, I get caught in the rain or sweat like a pig on roast. Wet wipes keep me fresh. But man, I've still got the best job in the world. I naturally keep fit from all the walking, count my blessings, and accept things whatever may come. It just seems easier that way.

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Tuesday 26 April 2011

Things I learnt from getting caught in the rain.

Make sure you replace your broken umbrella. Don't walk uphill, your jeans will get wet. Count your blessings that the house you taught at had a fresh change of clothes and a working dryer. Avoid wearing flip flops. If you slip down a whole flight of stairs because you're wearing slippers, don't worry bout trying to catch the broken umbrella. Allow your body to go soft as you slide down the stairs. It hurts less but of course, the pain of bruising your ego never goes away. If you get cuts on yourself, don't wash the wound with fizzy ribena.
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Tuesday 22 March 2011

Cats, dogs and animal dreams.

Yesterday, sippy (that's my cat) was marking my shoes. Today, those sanuks are no more. Such is the transient nature of material things and life.

The story of marco the beagle.
Marco belongs to a student of mine. I first met him when he was a puppy. He's sweet, lovable and never fails to greet me at the door when I come over. He's also a big prankster. He has chewed the cap off my nice sigg bottle, once got so excited to see me that he peed on my jeans(while giving me a nice doggie hug) and made me chase him down the street when he decided to escape and go for a run.

Today, he was contently lying there chewing on my shoes as I was about to leave. Bits of rubber and cloth were everywhere and the left shoe was redesigned to resemble a somewhat open toe kinda shoe. I laughed, patted him, borrowed a pair of slippers and left. Oaks thinks i'm being biased but there is just so much love in that dog's eyes...

A couple of days ago, I had an amazing dream about a wild horse which I refused to ride. It could do this crazy leap and bound thing spanning bout 50m at a time. I was scared of falling off so I patted it on its back and we parted ways. At home, I was having a chillax session with a lion. It felt strangely peaceful.

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Rainy weather and the cats are making me sleepy.

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Monday 14 March 2011

We do what we can

I teach music. Specifically, the art of piano playing. I have my good days and my bad just like anyone else in any profession. But I try, I keep going, count my blessings and try to maintain a certain grace.

There are just too many things going on in the world, too many "what ifs" to think about. It'll drive you crazy. "What can I do today?" is a motto I'm constantly trying to learn and live by.

I send a little prayer out to you, to myself...peace.
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Friday 11 March 2011

I wonder...

why cigar smokers always turn up when i'm having a meal or trying to enjoy some peace time at a cafe. ok, maybe not always but most of the time.
90% of the time, when I wear my nice shoes, it rains.
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Thursday 3 March 2011

The art of reading.

Read. It makes you smarter. Initially it can be anything, you don't have to discern between good or bad writing....just read.
The comics in the papers, the crappy sports section in the new paper, the life section, today paper, a crappy but feel good novel, your graphic novel, autobiographies, biographies, self help, spiritual, shit my dad says by justin halpern, this blog among others, seth godin, perez hilton, stuart wilde, gawker, life hacker...just read.
I'm sure the shows on your hub station can wait and nooooo......reading your friend's statuses on facebook doesn't count.
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Tuesday 15 February 2011

Thursday 10 February 2011

The continuous eye twitch...

Ive been having the longest eye twitch session since I got back from JB. Must be over 80 hours now. The chinese say that right eye twitching is good, the indians say its not...Speaking of indians,

Hanging out with my malaysian counterpart, B. Menon in JB is always fun. (The chinese new year weekend) He's always an excellent host and I always try to compile some classic "menon-isms" from him. Due to certain legal issues, he will not allow me and my esteemed team of writers to set up a blog entirely devoted to him...with pictures, top quotes and the like.

The B man brought us by accident to a hip place by lido beach, in JB. Happening flea market, excellent DJ on the decks and an interesting art gallery/cafe situated in a colonial style black and white house. Go check out Lost malaya people...its awesome. On second thoughts, dont.
I don't want all you Blardy singaporeans spoiling the quiet, tranquil sactity of the place.

I haven't written in a while, so this is going to be a super short post but I'll leave you with this...
B. Menon on work.
"Hey, I bring my work back home too, its just that I don't do it."
God Bless the unintentional comedian.
Lots of love,
Delfi Esfandi