There is a bike race in camp. I recognize the reservist mates. During the race there will be 5 obstacles. (which is funny cuz 5=obstacles in elements of numbers numerology). We race along on electric bicycles.
First obstacle. Fix someone's window and cloth's line. Some angmo dad and son. I won. Kesmond on my team?
Second obstacle, I forgot the details but I won.
Third obstacle. Ride till HQ camp and attract the attention of the office people working by making a racket. That one is funny cuz me and bear were riding and running around camp like looking like naked monkeys and making a din. The office looked unperturbed by us like they knew we were supposed to do that as a challenge. We shouted Oiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But nothing. I then had the idea of banging the table like a drum. That's when I woke up